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Sagar Institute of Research Technology and Science Pharmacy Bhopal is
committed to develop young minds for creative leadership in education, business
and a proactive and useful role in social transformation. Today the need for
being proactive and constructive is more acute than ever before due to the
sweeping changes influencing every aspect of our life. Therefore, there is need
for the action based on holistic training of youth to take on varied challenges of
life. In this context, I would like to quote Sri Aurobindo. In his book, ‘The
Human Cycle’, Sri Aurobindo says, “a rational education means necessarily three
First, to teach men how to observe and know rightly the facts on which they have
to form a judgement; Secondly, to train them to think fruitfully and soundly;
Thirdly, to fit them to use their knowledge and their thought effectively for their
own and the common good. Capacity of observation and knowledge, capacity of intelligence and judgement capacity of action and high character are required for
the citizenship of a rational order of society.”
SIRTS Pharmacy offers its students the very best in terms of infrastructure and
resources. The College lays great emphasis on high quality education. Its unique
learning approach is designed to significantly contribute to the growth and
development of each & every student. The learning environment of the institute
is conducive & cordial and dig out the disciplined conduct with high moral
values from the students.
I wish to assure all concerned that all efforts would be made to achieve and bring
SIRTS Pharmacy on the world map among the top pharmacy educational